Tuesday, November 22, 2011

موقع ارسال الرسائل القصيره من الكمبيوتر الى الموبيل عن طريق النت

حصريا موقع لارسال  الرسائل القصيره
من الكمبيوتر الى الموبيل عن طريق النت
الجميل فى الموقع ان الرساله ترسل بنفس رقم الهاتف وبدون اى اعلانات
يمكنك الارسال من اى بلد فى العالم ولاى مكان فى العالم
يمكنك الارسال بالعربى او الانجليزى
الرساله تسع حتى 160حرف
كل اللى عليك انك تسجل فى الموقع برقم تلفونك
هيجيلك كود فى رساله على الموبيل 
كل اللى عليك اللى انت تضع الكود فى الموقع
 وبعدها ارسل براحتك

التسجيل من هنا

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

برنامج القرآن الكريم صوت وصوره للموبيلMobile qur'an

حصريا برنامج القرآن الكريم الرائع بالصوت والصوره 
اقرأ القرآن الكريم و استمع اليه باصوات الائمة الكبار
علىموبيلك مع برنامج القرآن الكريم
mobile Qur'an
وليس هناك ما يرافقك اكثر من جوالك لذا ضع هذا البرنامج الجيد على جوالك
حمل القرآن الكريم

التحميل من هنا

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

برنامج تسجيل المكالمات على الموبيل بدون نغمة تسجيل

 حصريا برنامج تسجيل المكالمات بدون نغمة تسجيل بيب او طوط
اسم البرنامج
 killer mobile total recall

مميزات البرنامج
 يعمل آليا
 تسجيل المكالمات بدون نغمة التنبيه  طووووط
  wav & amr تسجيل وحفظ باكثرمن صيغة
مدة تسجيل المكالمات غير محدود
 تسجيل وحفظ في ذاكرة الهاتف او الميموري كارد
 طرق نقل التسجيلات سهلة
 التسجيل يحفظ برقم هاتف الشخص الذي تم التسجيل له
طريقة تركيب البرنامج
عند نهاية تبيت البرنامج انتبه جيدا لانه سوف يكتب لك رقم التسجيل الخاص بالبرنامج اكتبه على ورقه
افتح البرنامج الان وسوف يطلب منك رقم التسجيل اكتب الرقم اللي سجلته على الورقه

 التحميل من هنا

Saturday, November 12, 2011

أعرف موبيلك اصلى ام تقليد

دلوقتى تقدر تعرف  موبيلك هل هو اصلى ام تقليد 
ملحوظه هذه الطريقه لهواتف النوكيا فقط

فكثيرٍ منا يذهب إلى شراء الموبايل فيراه موضوعاً بصندوقه ومغلف

بالبلاستيك وينخدع بهذا الشكل ويشتريه على أنه جديد وأصلي

ولكن الآن يمكنك التأكد من أصل هذا الموبايل إن كان أصلي ولا مضروب

لمعرفة إن كان موبايلك أصلي ولا تقليد إتبع الآتي
بعد فتح الموبايل إستدعي الرقم المسلسل للموبايل 
وذلك عن طريق كتابة
سيظهر لك 15 رقم وما يهمنا هنا من هذا الرقم هو الرقم السابع والثامن عند العد من الشمال
فنقوم بالعد من الشمال إلى أن نصل إلى الرقم السابع والثامن نجدهم في هذا المثال (01) هذا اللي نريده
إذا كان هذين الرقمين هما 01 أو 10 فهذا يعني بأن الجوال قد تم صنعه في فنلندا وهذا

يعني بأن جودته جيدة 
إذا كان هذين الرقمين هما 00 فهذا يعني بأن الجوال قد تم صنعه في الشركة الأم
الأصلية ذاتها وهذا يعني أفضل جودة
إذا كان هذين الرقمين هما 08 أو 80 فهذا يعني بأن الجوال قد تم صنعه في ألمانيا وهذا

يعني بأن جودته ليست سيئة

إذا كان هذين الرقمين هما 02 أو 20 فهذا يعني بأن الجوال قد تم تجميعه في دولةالإمارات 

 وهذا يعني أن جودة الجوال سيئة

إذا كان هذين الرقمين هما 13 فهذا يعني بأن الجوال قد تم تجميعه في أذربيجان وهذا
يعني أن جودة الجوال سيئة للغاية وهو خطير للغاية على الصحة أيضاً
إذا كان هذين الرقمين هما 03 يعنى ان الجوال مصنع فى الصين قول انت بقى

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

لعبة جزيرة الشيطان

حصريا لعبة جزيرة الشيطان
اختار محاربك وحارب الوحوش اللعبة حوالى 40 مستوى يعنى مش هتزهق منها
الجميل فى اللعبه انه يمكن لاربعة افراد ان يلعبوا معا من على جهاز واحد
كما يمكن ان  تلعب من خلال الشبكه او عن طريق النت
play online
لعبة جزيرة الشيطان

العبة مساحتها 52 ميجا وتعمل على اى نظام تشغيل
التحميل من هنا


برنامج تغير ارقام الموبيل الى11رقم

حصريا  برنامج تغير ارقام الموبيل الى 11 رقم
لأن تغيير هذا العدد الضخم من الأرقام المسجلة على تليفوناتنا يدويا سيكون مهمة مزعجة

، فإن شركات المحمول الثلاث قدمت حلولاً تقنية لمساعدة مشتركيها في عمل هذا بشكل سهل مع كافة أنواع التليفونات المحمولة الموجودة في السوق المصري

شرح برنامج تعديل ارقام الموبايل                                   

بجوار البرنامجcontactsنقوم بنسخ الأسماء دخل مجلد
   VCF وامتدادها  VCARDبس الأسماء تكون بصيغة 
من داخل البرنامج نضغط على فتح الأسماء من القائمة
نضغط زر تعديل الأرقام
New contactsفي لحظات يتم تحويل الأرقام ونسخها داخل مجلد
contacts وكده عندك نسختين من الأرقام نسخة قديمة في مجلد
new contacts ونسخة معدلة في مجلد

التحميل من هنا

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Google AdSense

What is adsense?

Google Ad Sense is a free, simple way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites. AdSense also lets you provide Google search to your site users, while earning money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.

Ad Sense outlined
  • Get paid for displaying targeted Google ads on your site
  • Customize ads easily to match your site's look and feel
  • Track your success with online reports

    How does it work?

  • Choose the type and placement of ad units to be displayed
    • Specify where you want ads to appear
    • Choose what types of ads can compete for those slots

  • Highest-paying ads display
    • Advertisers bid on your inventory in a real-time auction
    • Always show the highest-paying ad

  • Get paid
    • Google bills advertisers and ad networks
    • Get paid through our reliable payment options 
    This Article is taken from this site :  

    create blog &blog name

     first you can create your blog from this site
    then use your Google account to complete register steps.
    The one of the more creative parts of a blog Selecting a suitable blog name can be fun and imaginative. Not everyone has a domain name from a website, but if you do include this in the thoughts for your blog name. This is one of the more creative parts of a blog Selecting a suitable blog name can be fun and imaginative. Not everyone has a domain name from a website, but if you do include this in the thoughts for your blog name. Remembering even just a little thing like naming your blog this is how your readers find you.
    I associate my blog with the learning process of making money on the Internet, creating an income. Blogging plays a major roll in this part for me.
    Naming your blog should portray your tone and your content. Let me show you an example, lets say Julie wanted to name her blog and really she did not use much imagination and chose a simple name like "Julie's Blog". Now maybe this is a true and accurate name, but does it give you any indication what the blog is about? Now Julie really wanted to talk about her dogs.  Julie has the cutest dogs and loves them so much that she wants to share her photos etc with the world. A more accurate Blog Name would be "Julie's Cute Dog Images Blog", or to shorten "Julie's K-9 Images" or "Cute K-9 Blog". You could really let your imagination have fun with this one. This then becomes shorter more memorable, brief, easy to spell and describes the subject matter. Then add a few good tags at the end like dog photos, cute dogs, cute dog photos etc. Readers looking for cute dog photos etc will have their day lifted with these beautiful photos of Julie's dogs.
    Whatever you choose for your Blog Name, remember it is permanent. Changing the name of your blog later on can be confusing for your readers, it wreaks havoc on any of your links and your credibility does not follow the new name.
    Make sure your blog name is not already in use, so do some searches, as this also can be confusing for your readers. Please do not choose a name that can be an alter-ego "Julie Queen of Cute Dog photos" or alienating your readers by having a weird names like "Harry's Big Hairy Toe" not the best way to find Harry's Blog who likes writing about his collection of Roses. Harry's hairy toe can be funny for some, but it in many cases would be a site that would not make many readers want to read past the Title.

    Please choose your Blog Name carefully and thoughtfully. Plan for your Blog Name to be along-term commitment. So use your imagination and have fun Blogging!

    Tips and Tricks for Google Usage

    Eye Bridge is a Professional and creative web Design Company provides Web Designing, Web Development and SEO Services with latest techniques and effective Web Solutions in India and Australia.Browsing internet and mining useful information from it is getting easier every other day. Thanks to the internet giant, yes you guessed it right, Google! The tools provided by Google are so user friendly and efficient that even the naive internet user can enjoy their benefits.Eye Bridge is a Professional and creative web Design Company provides Web Designing, Web Development and SEO Services with latest techniques and effective Web Solutions in India and Australia.Eye Bridge is a Professional and creative web Design Company provides Web Designing, Web Development and SEO Services with latest techniques and effective Web Solutions in India and Australia. Browsing internet and mining useful information from it is getting easier every other day. Thanks to the internet giant, yes you guessed it right, Google! The tools provided by Google are so user friendly and efficient that even the naive internet user can enjoy their benefits. Eye Bridge is a Professional and creative web Design Company provides Web Designing, Web Development and SEO Services with latest techniques and effective Web Solutions in India and Australia
    Article Source:

    Wednesday, September 21, 2011

    How to Create a Hard Drive Partition Without Formatting

    Generally, when you install an Operating System (OS), in a computer or a laptop, the hard disk of your computer is divided into segments, which are called 'partitions'. The primary partition drives are C drive, D drive, etc. The partitions of your computer are very important as it contains the information of your computer and your stored data. Before creating partitions, it is necessary to know your hard disk's capacity, and then decide the number of partitions of the drive that you want to create.

    Partition the Windows OS Without Formatting

    • Click on the start button and right click on the Computer option. Select manage option, and Computer Management window will open on your monitor screen.
    • You can also go to the Computer Management window, by clicking on Control PanelAdministrative Tools Computer Management.
    • On the left side of the Computer Management window, you will find options like System Tools, Storage, Service and Applications.
    • Now we need to find Disk Management from these options. Choose the option Storage, and click on Disk Management.
    • After clicking on Disk Management option, you will see all the partitions that are available on your hard disk.
    • Apart from the available partitions which are called primary partitions, we want to create more partitions. For that, you must choose a primary partition from which you want to create another partition.
    • After choosing the primary partition (C drive or D drive), right click on the primary partition. You will see a number of options, among which you need to choose, Shrink Volume.
    • Shrink window displaying the information of the hard disk drive will appear. In this display window, you will see Size of available shrink space to shrink in MB, and a number across it.
    • The number displayed is the maximum capacity in MB, beyond which you cannot create a partition drive.
    • Next, there is an option, Enter the amount of space to shrink in MB, in which you can enter the capacity or size of the partition in MB, which you want to create.
    • After entering the data, click on Shrink button at the bottom of the Shrink window.
    • The process of shrinking will take place, and it may take few minutes, depending on the size of the hard disk.
    • After the shrinking process, a window displaying the unallocated space will appear. Right click on it, and select the option New Simple Volume.
    • New Simple Volume Wizard will appear, and on the File system option, you need to select NTFS (New Technology File System) and then click on Next and Finish. The partition process is done.
    • Finally, to ensure the completion of the process, restart your system.
    Partition the Mac OS Without Formatting
    • On your Mac, click on open finder windowApplicationsUtilitiesDisk Utility.
    • Double click on the Disk Utility application window and select the partition hard disk preference, and then click on the Partition button, which is at the top of the Disk Utility application window.
    • In the Data Utility application window, select Volume Scheme preferences, and adjust the number of partitions and the size of each partition by dragging the mouse or by entering the value of the hard drive partition.
    • After allocating the size of the partitions, create a file name of your choice.
    • The final step is to click on Apply button, and reformatting the hard disk will be done automatically after pressing the OK button which is at the top of the Disk Utility window.
    Even though, creating a partition is simple, it should be done carefully. You need to choose the correct and permissible size of the partition you want to create and should be careful enough not to make a mistake in the process. See to it that you do the partitioning process where there is continuous supply of power, otherwise, it may even end up crashing your hard drive.
    Article Source:

    How to Migrate from Facebook to Google+

    Many people who have reasons to say goodbye to Facebook, are opting to shift to Google+. Moving from one social network to another social network is not a very easy thing to do. But, with the use of certain tools, it is easier to export your profile information, photos and friends to your desired social network. With the increasing popularity of the newly launched social network, Google+, people have found one more good option to stay connected with their friends, other than Facebook. Google+ is considered to be more secure than Facebook, because of the dual authentication system in Google+, which is just like how we use e-banking services. Google authenticator app sends a code to your smartphone, after you enter your Google+ password. This is an additional security feature in Google+. Now, let's see, how to export your Facebook data to Google+.

    Exporting Information from Facebook to Google+
    • First, log in to your Facebook account and click on Account, which is located on the upper right corner of the Facebook home page.
    • Select Account Settings from the drop down menu of Account.
    • On the Account Settings window, you will find Download a copy of your Facebook data, which is located in the bottom of the page.
    • Click on download a copy, and you will be directed to a window, on which, you need to click on the button, Start archive.
    • Once you click on Start Archive, your personal archive containing your information, will be generated and an email will be sent to you, once the archive is ready.
    This is a safe method to get your information, but it takes hours or even a day, for Facebook to send you the email containing the archive of your Facebook information.

    Exporting your Contact

    Using Facebook Friend Exporter
    • Download the software, Facebook Friend Exporter and install it in your computer.
    • Log in to your Facebook account, where you will find the tab, Export Friends in the main menu.
    • After you click on Export Friends, you will be directed to a window, where you need to select, Let's get started!
    • Cache all your photos and click on, Let's start.
    • You will be given two options to export your friends list to Google+. One way is through Gmail, wherein you need to log in to your Gmail account and import your friends list and the another way is, through CSV (Comma Spreaded value).
    • CSV is a simpler method, wherein you copy and paste the CSV file in a notepad, and save it in .csv format.
    • Now, go to Google+ home page and click on Upload Address Book, and select the .csv file from the folder, where you have stored the file. That's it!
    • Select the friends list that appear on your Google+ home page, and drag it and place them in the Friends Circle, which appears on your Google+ account.
    The is another good way to import your Facebook contacts to Google+. This can also be done through your Yahoo account. Google has a collaboration with Yahoo, to carry out this migration process.

    Exporting Videos
    • Download the software, Facebook Export.
    • Log in to Google+, and follow the path: Videos → Upload new videos.
    • Upload the photos which you have downloaded on your system, to Google+.
    Exporting your Facebook Photos to Google+

    To export your Facebook album to Google+, what you need to do is, download them and re-upload on Google+.

    Using Picasa
    • Download Picasa.
    • Add the Facebook photos, which you have downloaded, to Picasa. To do this, follow the path on Picasa: File → Add Folder to Picasa.
    • After importing the photos to Picasa, find the photo album and click on Sync to web, which is on the upper right corner of the current window.
    • A pop-up window will appear, on which you need to sign in with your Google+ account .
    • A pop-up window asking you to verify the upload settings, will appear.
    • Click on the option, change settings, and modify your settings.
    • Enable the check box, Use the above settings.
    • Go to Picasa, and click on sync button, and the uploading of your photos will be done automatically.
    Using Pick & Zip

    You can also use a free software called Pick & Zip, where you can download your photo album, by logging in to your Facebook account, from Pick & Zip website. A zip file containing your photo album will be downloaded, after you click on the tab, Download all photos. Extract the zip file, which has two folders, albums and tagged. Now follow the route on Google +, to upload your photos in Google+: view profile → photos → upload new photos.

    With increased privacy and attractive features, the recent launch of Google+ has interested many social media lovers, to migrate to Google+. Google+ is undeniably an excellent competitor to Facebook. Many assert that, Google+ is an upgraded version of Facebook and they prefer migrating to it. However, there are still many people who are happy with Facebook. If you are not very obsessed with Facebook, you can try Google+ for a change.
    Article source:

    The Best Online Business Opportunities

    Online business opportunities are available anywhere you look. Think of virtually any website you enjoy visiting and you’ll see that such a place is definitely an option for creating a brand new business. The issue isn’t so much, then, finding online business opportunities but instead finding the ones that will actually make it possible for you to enter the market without finding it so crowded that you simply are not able to compete effectively.
    We’ve done some poking around and came up with some great ideas for creating a new business online. Some are tried and true methods while others are a little more unusual. However, all of them are legitimate business ideas.
    Become a Reseller
    One of the best online business opportunities we have seen anywhere on the Internet is the concept of being a reseller. In essence, this means that you are the middle man. You sell off products that others have for sale and take a cut from them. This can be with virtually any kind of product imaginable, from the now ubiquitous Noni juice to the less common products that you may never have heard of but which also make money.
    The best part about doing business this way is that you never have to ship a single product. You just do the advertising and take a commission when the product sells. Of course, you still do need to go out there and actually make the sales, but that’s a whole lot better than needing to have a shipping department in your living room.
    Sell Closeouts and Bargain Deals
    Speaking of having a shipping department in your living room, another of the online opportunities we found does involve having such an operation but is potentially much more lucrative. There are hundreds of “deal” sites all over the Internet where one can find great bargains on various products. Sites include places such as and to name just a few of the better known ones.
    At these sites, deals on various products are listed that are usually limited in time and scope. The products for sale often involve closeouts or one time only specials that you can pick up and then resell on websites such as and eBay. While the deal sites frown on people buying these items in bulk and reselling them, it is done regularly and there is no reason you can’t get yourself in on the action as well.
    Selling Information
    Information is the king in our modern world and represents the final item on our list of ideas. This is the ultimate in online business opportunities because it involves selling something that is completely ephemeral. You are not required to provide any stock, you don’t have to maintain an arrangement with a reseller, nothing. Instead, what you do is provide people with research on various deals that may be hard to find, or provide bundles of material.
    The way it works is that you find, for example, coupons for websites or stores that are hard to find and that are printable online. You then sell the item on eBay as a $10 off $20 coupon for $3.00. The customer gets to save $7 on a product they need, and you pocket $7 for doing nothing but providing research. Other things you can sell this way include bundles of public domain ebooks and various useful lists such as lists of places to get free stuff. And, of course, since you have nothing to stock, it’s easier to provide your customers with everything they want without having to do much work.
    Want even more ideas for online business opportunities? Just drop by our site for some great additional material:

    What to Wear to a Job Interview

    What you wear to a job interview can make or break your chances to land at your ideal career. This might sound shallow, but your appearance really does count.
    Many experts say that what you wear to a job interview or what you wear in general speaks a lot of things about you, your attitude and your personality. If you are an idealist who believes that skill will make you through and be accepted for a position, you have to accept that the impression of your interviewees is still the one that matters. This does not mean, though, that you will lose your personality. You can still maintain who you are even when you are following certain job interview fashion standards. Dress codes might have become informal in the past years. "Casual Fridays" may not be limited to Fridays anymore, but what you wear to a job interview remains strictly professional.
    Stay conservative. This goes especially to traditional fields such as law, banking, and investments, but also applicable to almost all fields. Fashion, publication and IT might have a different trend when it comes to dress code, but still, what you wear to a job interview should be different from what you wear once (or if) you got hired. Skirtsuit is still the safest choice from a more formal profession. If casual is okay, wear dress that is subtle yet speaks of your profession. Short skirts are not tolerated. Hemlines should not be more than 3 inches above the knee. Capri pants and leggings are not to be worn to an interview.
    Watch out for your color too. Unnatural hair color (or style), wild nail polish (or long fingernails), and bold dress color should be avoided. Traditional colors including black, gray and charcoal are still best.
    Accessories are meant to accessorize and not to be the center of attention that carries you wherever you go. Do not wear ankle bracelets. Wear not more than two rings per hand and one earring per ear. Do wear a fancy, sporty, or casual watch. Printed or patterned bags should not be brought to an interview. Instead, bring a briefcase or a more formal bag.
    What you wear to a job interview is not limited to your attire. Makeup plays a vital role in the way interviewee sees you. Tone it down. Make-ups are originally created to emphasize parts of your face and not to replace your face completely. Take note, you will not get any prettier if you wear heavy lipstick and face powder. All your "transit gears" should be tucked in your briefcase or bag. Avoid earphones around your neck or sunglasses on top of your head.
    What you wear everyday defines who you are, but what you wear to a job interview can help you land on the job. Make sure you pay attention to your attire even before you enter the interview room. Let common sense guide you so that you avoid common fashion blunders that can damage your chances on getting hired.

    7 WordPress Plugins to Enhance Your Blog

    There is so much to learn about blogging that many bloggers don’t know where to start. Should we worry about SEO, spam, content or advertising? The answer to those worrisome questions is pretty much yes. To simplify and remove the worry, here are seven plugins to meet the basic needs of any WordPress blog.

    All in One SEO Pack

    The All in One SEO Pack plugin has been the favorite of many a blogger for a long time. It allows additional customization of your blog title, description and permalinks. Pages and Posts receive added customization features as well allowing a blogger to input titles, descriptions and keywords that become relevant meta data speaking to the search engines.


    Akismet is a standard plugin present after a WordPress install, for good reason. Bloggers won’t regret activating Akismet to control spam comments on their blog. Once enabled it is required that you sign-up with them for an account. An activation code is emailed to start using Aksimet right away. It is amazing how much spam is caught and filtered out enabling a blogger to respond to actual comments in their WordPress dashboard instead.

    AdSense Integrator

    The AdSense Integrator allows a blogger to place ad areas within a post without knowing code and playing with the PHP files. Depending on how you want to place ads on your blog, you can find any number of these types of plugins to suit your needs. A blogger inputs html codes for ads from any number of advertising sources (Google AdSense, Amazon, etc.) and easily programs from the dashboard where the ads will show up in the posts and/or pages.

    All in One Webmaster

    Another helpful plugin to alleviate the stress of any new blogger trying to avoid adding code to their WordPress theme files is All in One Webmaster (developed by Arpit Shah). Plug in tracking codes from any of the major search engines with ease (Google, Bing, Yahoo). In addition the tool allows for the addition of html code in the dashboard for both the header and footer of your blog, a great place to add advertising banners.

    WordPress Editorial Calendar

    Bloggers who like to plan and schedule blog posts in advance will appreciate the WordPress Editorial Calendar. See a calendar view of posts scheduled ahead, drag and drop posts from one day to another or easily draft a post for a day without a scheduled post.


    Create a RSS-powered news page on your site to feature news on related topic or feeds to your own blogs or articles published elsewhere.

    Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)

    Yet Another Related Posts Plugin posts links to other related posts published on your blog in the footer of your article. A blogger can tweak the settings to ensure the related posts picked up are to their linking.

    This is only a small sampling of the plugins available to WordPress users. If you have a need, there is a good bet that there is plugin to do what you can’t program your site to do yourself.

    Article Source:

    How To Get The Best Technician For Your Laser Printer Service

    Most people who have a laser printer will freely admit that it is one of the most valuable and useful tools that they will have in their office, and when it is broken it is a massive inconvenience, so it is very important to ensure you have a competent technician carrying out your laser printer service.
    When you are considering which company or technician to hire to carry out your laser printer service, one of the most important things you have to do is to establish that your printer will be in safe hands whilst they are working on it, and that their work is of a standard that will make sure your printer is in the best working order when you get it back.
    The best way to do this is to find some people who already have experience of the technicians that you are considering for the work, and to see if they can give you any particularly positive, or negative reviews about these technicians.  If you don't know anyone who has already used these technicians, then even a search online through the many review sites available could give you an idea as to which ones will be most trustworthy to look after your printer.
    Another thing you may want to look at when you are hiring someone for your laser printer service is what sort of qualifications they may have which are relevant to their skills in printer repair and maintenance.  By finding out which qualifications are the industry standard, then you can really get an idea of which ones to look out for when you are looking at those listed by the different technicians.
    You might also consider looking at the website and documentation of your printer's manufacturer, as they will often run certification and accreditation course for those who are looking to specialise on their printers, so if you are using someone with that sort of accreditation, you can feel safe in the knowledge that they will have the backing of the manufacturer in terms of experience, and when it actually comes to knowledge that allows them to carry out the laser printer service.
    When you're looking after the vital piece of equipment that is your laser printer, then it is important to make sure it's the right technician looking after it.

    Measuring LCD Screen Sizes

    The easiest way to measure an LCD screen is to take the top screen size (inside the black border or bezel) on the top left hand side to the bottom right hand side, this could be classed as the inner size. If you measure the outer size you will have the wrong size.

    Now with the black border/bezels becoming narrower, the LCD screens themselves are becoming more compact making them ideal for digital signage.

    Well you may think that this is not important, however if you are deploying outdoor digital signage you will need an outdoor digital signage enclosure, these are anti vandal, protective, steel cases that also are equipped with internal cooling and heating (as an extra option), to make sure the digital signage hardware is kept in the correct environment.

    Now knowing the screen size of the screens used is essential when looking for an LCD enclosure, as the last thing you need on site is when all the digital signage components are on site and you find that the LCD enclosure is too big or small for the LCD screen because the screen has been measured incorrectly.

    This is why outdoor digital signage is spreading in most outdoor areas, such as tube stations, coach stops especially when there is high foot traffic, as advertisers see this is a niche area to target passengers and can be used effectively especially when there are transport delays, restaurants could advertise meal deals so travellers are not hungry as well as helping with killing time, otherwise called "time warping"

    As you can see, getting the screen size is essential when these screens are going into an LCD enclosure or outdoor digital signage enclosure so make sure you measure the screens correctly.
     Article Sourse:

    What can VoIP do for You?

    Voice over the IP is also known as IP telephony, internet telephony or broadband phone. It is an internet based telephone service that allows calls to be transmitted through the internet. Unlike the traditional telephone services the VoIP transmits information through packet switched networks and not the traditional circuit telephony lines.

    This technology comes with a wide range of advantages that can change your calling experience for ever. Here are some of the things that VoIP can do for you:

    Reducing the Cost fo Your Calls

    VoIP technology uses only one network to transmit packet switched voice data through the internet. As a result this calls made from VoIP to VoIP network are completely free while those from public telephone are charged at considerably lower rates when directed via VoIP. Acquiring this technology can allow you to make not only cheaper calls but free ones as well.

    VoIP Telephony Promotes Mobility

    With the now world wide network coverage of VoIP network services you can receive and make your calls undeterred from anywhere in the entire globe. The beautiful thing about it is that unlike the traditional telephony services that will force you to acquire a new number each time you travel from one part of the globe to the next, voice over IP allows you to retain your number wherever you go and not only make your calls through it but also receive all your calls undeterred. This is made possible by the possibility of integrating your VoIP podium into any internet based messenger service in the world.

    Voice over IP improves your Telephony Experience

    Having made it possible to transmit audio visual massages VoIP is now best equipped to assist you in enjoying your telephone conversations. You can also tap into conferences without being present in person and you could even receive your correspondence through this technology.

    VoIP puts your Interest at the Foremost

    Opposed to the normal everyday telephony services; VoIP puts the consumer's interest on the fore front. It comes with a range of telephony services that can not be offered by any other telephony service. For instance, voice over IP can enable you to work from wherever you are, at home or away on holiday. Besides, the telephone numbers are issued freely to wherever one goes on condition that the local service provider has an internet connection which is now common to all service providers around the entire globe.

    Voice over IP Gives you a Variety to Choose From

    VoIP service providing companies are numerous and each of them gives unique package with customized rates as well as benefits. All the same despite the different costing they are also uniquely packaged and you only need to choose the most convenient for you.

    Their numbers not withstanding, most of the service providers give free adapters that enable the connection of your phone to router or the broad band internet modem. This gives you the advantage of not worrying about whether or not you traveled with your adapter.
     Article Sourse:


    Staying current with the changes and progress in technology is a challenge for any cell phone user. Apple has brought out a range of smart phones called the iPhone which are multimedia and internet-enabled. These smart phones have opened the doors for many users and one of the major parts of this growth is learning what is an iPhone app.
    Regular cellular phones allow the user to send text messages or make calls to another party, and usually offer a few entertaining games as well. The smart phone has taken those functions and combined them with the features of a computer, now enabling most people to continue working wherever they are. Access to internet, document checking and emailing are some of the smart attributes now included.
    Designed to do certain tasks, applications are now known as apps. The developer of the program is not always a programmer, but usually someone with a brilliant idea. They have seen that there is a space to be filled and get a team together to design something to fill it.
    There are literally thousands of different apps available depending on what you are looking for. Applications can have many purposes, including business, information, marketing, education and entertainment. Each one is tailored to suit the user and prices vary with some apps being free.
    Magazines and newspapers use apps to release the latest news and gossip to their avid followers. Colleges and schools release apps to allow easy communications with their student, giving them access to the library system as well. Musicians and other artists are putting out games linked to their newest album, in order to promote it. Companies are even using apps to market products and offer information and support to users. With the many different categories of apps available in stores, games are still the top seller.
    If you have an idea for an application, do the research to find out how many other similar apps are out there. Try to put a new spin on yours so that it is more desirable and offers different features to the ones that already exist. Consider how you could improve on an existing product and perhaps offer the user a little more than what they are currently getting. A lot of time, planning and forethought needs to be put into your project so be prepared to work hard at it so that you may reap the rewards.
    When you are ready to start creating your app, gather a team of people that are specialists in their field. If you don't know how to write the program, there are people out there that do. Make sure you protect your idea with a non-disclosure agreement, or contract before starting. After all the hard work of designing and creating your app, you will still need to do the marketing to make sure it is seen. Use every avenue you can, from Facebook to Twitter to make sure the hard work you have put into your app doesn't go to waste.
    No matter what app you require or desire, there is going to be one out there for you. Whether you are a businessman or a busy mom, you will soon learn what is an iPhone app able to do for you.
    iPhone support large number of games , programs.

    What's With the Samsung Galaxy i7500 Android Phone?

    If you think back to the last time you logged in, surfed around the web and glanced at the top trending topics, chances are you came across the Samsung Galaxy i7500. With all the fuss surrounding it, this android phone has landed on the list of many popular searches more than once. But what is it about this new model that has everybody buzzing? The recent trend for chic and sassy Android phones, for one, has immediately made this a sought after unit among smartphone users. Technology wise, Samsung Mobile has definitely stepped up its game. Its key strategy: coming out with a new line of Samsung cell phones that offer a suite of Mobile Google backed services.
    The introduction of the Samsung Galaxy i7500 has, in fact, intensified competition in the Android phone market. Tech savvy users around the globe are rushing to try its Google backed infrastructure, which powers the relatively new and exciting features of the model. Plus, this Samsung mobile unit combines two functions, serving not only as a touch screen phone but also as a pocket PC.
    Samsung has also upped the ante design wise, exerting great efforts to come up with a very handy and portable construction that will appeal to on the go users. The Samsung Galaxy i7500 is actually the slimmest of similar Samsung cell phones currently sold in the market.
    While the unit is as light as a feather, Samsung did not hold back on screen size. Its display is large enough for convenient browsing and messaging. Pictures appear in vivid and vibrant colors. And, with reduced sun glare, you can even use it outdoors! No more problems viewing the screen under broad daylight.
    Moreover, the i7500 phone is just about as user friendly as it gets. The interface is very easy to navigate. There is an on-screen keyboard. Additional settings provide tighter security controls over your user data, with live folders that get automatically filled with contents. In addition, the contact menu is kept very simple for maximum convenience and the large built-in memory allows for fast and trouble-free media transfers.
    The model also has an auto focus camera which includes a selectable flash, both Bluetooth and Wi Fi connectivity, and a USB cable, among other devices.
    Needless to say, the Samsung Galaxy i7500 would be a safe bet for your next smartphone purchase. It's currently available in Asian countries wherever great phones are sold.
    Ken is a gadget enthusiast that loves being outdoors whenever the weather permits.

    Saturday, September 17, 2011


    مجموعه من الامثال الانجليزيه وما يقابلها من الامثال العربيه
    •  Cut your coat according to your cloth - على قدر لحافك مد رجليك
    •   The absent party is not faulty -   الغايب حجته معاه  
    •   Actions speak louder than words - العبرة بالأعمال وليست بالأقوال
    •  Add fuel to the fire - حطيت  البنزين جنب النار
    • Address people in the language they can understand - خاطب الناس على قدر عقولهم
    • Advice is ever in want - لا خاب من استشار
    • Always has been, always will be - من شبّ على شيء شاب علي
    • Birds of feather flock together - الطيور على أشكالها تقع
    • Charity begins at home - الأقربون أولى بالمعروف
    • Do as you would be done - عامل الناس كما تحب أن يعاملوك 
    • Easy come, easy go - اللى يجى بلاش يروح بلاش
    • The end justifies the means - الغاية تبرر الوسيلة
    • No gains without pains - مفيش حلاوه من غيرنار
    • A friend in need is a friend indeed - الصديق وقت الضيق
    • Don’t put your head in the lions mouth - لا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة
    • Every cloud has a silver lining - رب ضرة نافعة
    • To err is human - كل ابن آدم خطاّء

    Tuesday, August 30, 2011

    اكواد وخفايا النوكيا

    اولا ثلاث طرق لمنع اى شخص من الاتصال بك

    الطريقة الاولى: اذا تريد موبيلك يكون مشغول دائما ادخل هذا الكود
    ثم اتصل

    الطريقة الثانية: اذا  تريد موبيلك يكون غير موجود بالخدمة ادخل هذا الكود
    ثم اتصل

    الطريقة الثالثة: اذا تريد  االي يتصل عليك مايمسك معه الخط ادخل هذا الكود
    ثم اتصل

    ولالغاء الكود: #21# ثم اتصل


    ثانيا مجموعه من  اسرار  الهاتف 


    لمعرفة السيريال لجهازك أو الIMEI
    لمعرفة اصدار البرنامج التشغيلي للجهاز ( SW version )
    لمعرفة عنوان البلوتوث لجهازكBluetooth (BT) device address
    الضغط بلمسة واحدة سريعة على مفتاح الأغلاق  (   power   ) للجهاز يسمح لك بالتنقل بين الأوضاع
    الضغط باستمرار على زر القائمة للجهاز يسمح لك بالتنقل بين البرامج النشطة
    الضغط باستمرار على زر القلم عند بدء الجهاز قبل ادخال الرقم السري يمنع جميع البرامج غير الأساسية من العمل التلقائي أو ما يسمى الوضع الآمن safeboot
    12345 أو 0000
    هما الرقم السري الأولي من المصنع لشركة نوكيا
    لألغاء الرقم السري الخاصة بالمحفظة واعادتة الى صفر( قد تفقد جميع محتويات الحافظة)كما يمكنك الآن وضع الكود على شكل أرقام بدلاً من أحرف كما في السابق
    لإرجاع ضبط الجهاز الأساسيReset to original settings ( قد تفقد بعض الأدخالات المضافة للجهاز )
    تهيئة الجهاز (فورمات سريع) يجب ان تتأكد أن البطارية تحوي على الأقل 75% شحن تأخذ العملية من3 الى 4 دقائق
    أما التهيئة الكاملة
    فعليك ضغط الزر ( الأخضر ) + زر علامة النجمة( * ) + زر رقم ( 3 ) كل الأزررار الثلاثة معا مع الضغط على زر ( التشغيل ) باستمرار وتبقى ضاغط على جميع تللك الأزرار الى ان تضهر كلمة فورمات على شاشة الجهاز يجب ان تتأكد أن البطارية تحوي على الأقل 75% شحن تأخذ العملية من3 الى 4 دقائق( ستفقد جميع المعلومات والبرامج المخزنة بالجهاز )
    ثالثا اكواد للتحكم فى كيفية الاتصال من الموبيل

    طريقة للاتصال دون اظهار رقمك

    1. اظغط على القائمه menu
    2. ادخل على التحويل
    3. ادخل على تحويل المكالمات عند انشغال الخط
    4. حط الرقم اللي تبي تتصل عليه بدون ما يطلع رقمك
    5. بعدين اتصل على رقمك ويتحول للرقم اللي تبي تحوله
    ويطلع له no number
    طريقة ارسال الرسائل القصيرهSMS  دون اظهار رقمك

    1-اضعط على القائمه(menu)  
    4-تدوين مذكره(make note)
    6-تكتب الرساله التي تريد
    7-اضغط موافق(ok)لتأكيد الرساله
    8اضغط موافق(ok)لتأكيد التاريخ
    9-اختر yes
    10- بعدها تدخل مره اخرى على خيارات(options)
    11- عرض اليوم(view day)
    12- ستظهر الرساله التي كتبتها اضغط على خيارات(options)
    13-اضغط على ارسال مذكره(send note)
    14-ادخل رقم الجوال الذي تريد ان ترسل اليه انتهت الطريقه
    يجب ان يكون جهاز المستقبل نوكيا ايضا  
    طريقه تعطيل زر الاتصال الاخضر لمنع المتطفلين من العبث في الموبيل

    أذهب إلى القائمية

    ثم الضبط

    ثم ضبط المكالمات

    ثم معاودة الاتصال آلياً

    أختــــــــــــر تعمل

    الآن ارجع الى شاشة الجوال الرئيسية

    وأضغط زر النجمه ثلاث مرات

    سوف يظهر هذا الحرف P

    اضغط اتصال سوف تظهر لك رسالة تقول (( خطا في الاتصال ))

    ثم دعه حتى ينتهي معاودة الاتصال

    بعد الانتهاء ستلاحظ ان زر الاتصال لا يعمل

    واذا اردت ان يرجع الجوال الى حالتة الطبيعة هنالك طريقتنا

    الاولى : ان تجعل احد من اصدقائك يتصل بك

    الثانية : ان تعيد تشغيل الجهاز . .

    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    العاب حرب

    حصريا لعبة  الحروب والاكشن الجديده
    desert storm

    Download Here

    تعمل على اى نظام ويندوز

    لعبة سباق السيارات

    London racer world challenge حصريا لعبة  سباق السيارا ت الممتعة    وعلى اكثر من سيرفر

    Download Here

    تعمل على جميع اصدارات الويندوز  القديمه والحديثه

    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    لعبة red alert

     حصريًا \ اسطورة الألعاب الاستراتيجية في التاريخ
    Red Alert جميع الاصدارات Full Collection
    تحميل مباشر على اكثر من سيرفر

    red alert game

    Download Here

    لتلعب الاصدار الاخير من العبه يجب ان يكون جهازك فيه المتطلبات التاليه   
    • OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista/ Windows 7
    • Processor: 3 Ghz or Higher
    • Ram: 1 GB
    • Sound: Windows compatible sound card
    • Video Card : 128 Mb

    نزل  اللعبه وكون جيشك واستعد للحرب